Multi-Level Governance of the European Union: Theoretical and Empirical Research
Author: Yuchun Lan
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
The European Union has developed into a sui generis political system. Insteadof the conventional dichotomy of “intergovernmental” and “supranational”arguments of the EU, this essay will take multi-level governance approach as aframework for analyzing the economic and political integration of the EU.According to the EU multi-level governance model, supranational, national,subnational, as well as transnational actors and institutions all play a key role forEuropean integration. Some dimensions will be examined through this approach:1. Decision making competence is shared by actors at different levels ratherthan monopolized at national level. The state-centric power to the EU policiesremains important but meets its limits. 2. Policy making at the EU level (within theCommission and the Council) involves the loss of control for individualgovernments. Member States’ sovereignty has been reduced by the restrictions onindividual governments veto to the EU decision and by the expansion of the controlof the Commission over the EU policies. 3 Political arenas are interconnected.Actors at the subnational, as well as transnational, level can by pass the nationallevel on crucial issues.Finally, by examining the dynamics and unique characteristics of the Europeanintegration, we can conclude that the multi-level governance of the EU representsprobably a useful analytical concept for the post-sovereign modernity ofinternational politics in the twenty-first century.