From Nationalism to Identity-based Paradiplomacy: Quebec Experience
Author: Chueiling Shin
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
It is a growing phenomenon that more subnational states or provincialgovernments intend to pursue their own political identities through the so-calledstrategy of identity-based paradiplomacy, which academic circles understand as aproduct of nation-building nationalism. This paper argues that there shall be abroader understanding of identity-based paradiplomacy, as the routes of nationalismare getting more diversified.The paper further distinguishes paradiplomacy following the path of traditionalnation-building nationalism from that of the modern subnational nationalism, whichfights for national identity and exclusive rights of homerule from centralgovernment while remains flexible regarding constitutional choices. Quebec is thentaken for a case study. The analysis reveals that identity-based paradiplomacy ofdifferent paths show different characters in terms of policy implementation.However, both are identical in demanding a distinctive status for Quebec in theinternational society. The Canadian Government concedes to neither paths.Nevertheless, the attitude of international powers could be a crucial factor indetermining the result of Quebec’s paradiplomacy.