New Public Management and NIMBY Politics: The Case of Garbage Management Cooperation between Chia-yi City and County
Author: Chin-Cher Chen, Ching-Ping Tang
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
The application of New Public Management (NPM) in Taiwan’s governancehas attracted significant attention recently. One field left to be further elaboratedis the potential of NPM in solving not-in-my-back-yard (NIMBY) conflicts thathave prevailed in many localities. This study delineates the development of acooperation agreement in garbage management between Chia-yi County and City inorder to illustrate how the involvement of a private business via a build-operate-transfer (BOT) contract might break through the political boundaries of a publicservice (garbage incineration) to reach an better economy of scale. This agreementproves to benefit all three parties and improves efficiency by reaching a Paretooptimal. The case also demonstrates the advantage of a polycentric governingarrangement that has been advocated by many political economists.