Immigrants and Basic Rights: A Proposal on Immigrants’ Political Participation Rights
Author: Yachung Chang
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
This article proposes that the state should open up political rights forimmigrants. In another word, immigrants should be moderately entitled to politicalparticipation rights. The article is composed of four parts. It argues in the first partthat it would facilitate social integration if immigrants are granted suffrage andother political rights. The second part maintains that the state has witnessed aweakening of its authority with deepening global governance. It thus should loosenits control on immigrants’ political rights, and allow them greater space to take partin national and social “governance.” The third part argues, on the base of humanrights as a universal value, that all inhabitants on a state’s territory should enjoymeasurable rights of political participation. The fourth part puts forward practicalproposals on the scope of political rights immigrants should be entitled to in thefuture. The main points include: firstly, immigrants should enjoy suffrage insecondary elections after moving into a target nation for a certain period of time.Secondly, immigrants are entitled to candidateship in secondary elections afterliving in the target nation for a certain period of time and with a record of regulartax paying. Thirdly, legal immigrants automatically acquire citizenship after livingin the target nation for a certain period of time. Fourthly, the political rights ofimmigrants should be promoted from both domestic and international levels.