Social Capital Formation of Farmers Associations and Rural Development Policy Effectiveness in Taiwan
Author: Kun-jung Liao
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
Recently, the image of Farmers Associations in Taiwan(hereafter FAT)is sobad. It seems that this most extensive farmer group, composed of all farmers inthe island state, will shortly become worthless. This organization reveals a strongpolitical character as it has been extensively involved in local politics for severaldecades. Since the early 1990s, FAT has begun to encounter both internal crisisand external challenges. However, in developmental perspective, it has played asignificant role in rural development in Taiwan since 1950s. Nevertheless, FAT isstill valuable in terms of the role and function because it effectively helpsgovernment to successfully promote various programs of rural development. Inperspective of policy study, FAT is a policy implementation agent. This farmerorganization and the government have formed an unique and effective governancethat successfully promoted rural modernization in Taiwan. Policy makers andimplementing agencies in developing countries are eager to learn experiences ofFAT and try to copy its model for implementing their rural development.Governance approach emphasizes the partnership between governments andnon-government organizations that co-produces public services. Social capitalperspective places emphasis on trust, identification, norms, and social networkswhich may properly be transformed into delivery and provision of public services.Government may make use of social capital that FAT presents and improvecapacity of public policies. This paper, which is based on social capital approach,examines the role, function, and policy effectiveness of FAT in rural development and modernization in Taiwan during the past decades. Particularly, trust, norms,cooperation, and social networks embedded in FAT have been transformed intodevelopment policy effectiveness by the government. Obviously, FAT with richsocial capital has actually played a policy agent since its formation in the 1950s.FAT, as a NPO, is valuable for policy learning for most developing countries.Hence, there should be no consideration of abolishing FAT. FAT should bereformed as a newly renovated farmer organization that will be able to play asignificant role in transforming the agricultural sector as well as the development ofrural areas in Taiwan.