« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.19Publish: 2003/12

Study on liberalization, Privatization and Security of Universal Service for Postal Service: Experiences of Western Europe and Status of Japan

Author: Shu-Hsin Lin

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

This study aims at defining the concrete content of micro- and macro-universalservice in postal service through an exploration on the concept of universal service,and at the same time, achieving an understanding of the security methods for postaluniversal  service  adopted  by  means  of  exploration  on  experiences  from  Germany,France  and  England,  etc.,  and  status  of  Japan  while  other  countries  face  thereformation of liberalization and privatization for postal service.An analysis on overseas reformation experience from a perspective of universalservice security has led to three points for our reference as follows: first, concretionand legalization for the concept of universal service; second, partial liberalization andprogressive freedom; third, an institution of postal universal service fund.

Keywords:liberalization、Postal service、privatization、universal service