« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.18Publish: 2003/06

Cultural Studies in Political Science — An Outsider or a Sub-field?

Author: Chih-Yu Shih

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

The literature of cultural studies pertaining to politics and power has exceededthe current research agenda offered by political scientists. On both ontological andepistemological levels, assumptions about humanity and its possibility are differentbetween  the  cultural  studies  and  mainstream  political  science.  Specifically,  newissues centering on citizenship and identity, which the cultural studies tackle mostactively, call for new methodology. A nascent epistemic community in this regard isemerging indeed. The paper argues that it is time to recognize the cultural studies asa sub-field in political science in order to facilitate interaction between the culturalstudies  and  political  science.  Taiwan  as  a  postcolonial  society  on  the  tide  ofglobalization is particularly appropriate to take such a move.

Keywords:cultural studies、Epistemology、Methodology、political science、sub-field