« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.18Publish: 2003/06

The Inter-Governmental Relations and Regional Governance of Taiwan: A Literature Review and Strategy Analysis

Author: Yung-mau Chao

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

This  paper  has  been  managed  to  review  the  meaning  of  Inter-GovernmentalRelations (IGR) and Regional Governance (RG) of Local Government. Meanwhile, italso discussed the constrains of IGR and RG in Britain and United States of America.Furthermore, the disputing and predicaments of IGR and RG in Taiwan are both themain parts of analysis in this paper. In addition, this study dedicated to develop theconstructive approaches on IGR and RG in Taiwan through Lindblom’s disjointed-incremental  theory  and  step-by-step  methodology.  Finally  this  paper  suggests  thegovernment  of  Taiwan  that  better  take  a  pilot  or  steering  project  to  deal  with  thedisjointed-incremental  approach  and  the  strategies  of  institutional  change  andmanagerial regime-building.

Keywords:Governance Society、Inter-Governmental Relations、Local Government、Regional Governance