Beyond Resistance and Compliance: A Study of the Home Rule Movement in Taiwan under Japanese ruled
Author: Tsui-lien Chen
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
The dichotomy of “resistance vs. compliance” frequently is applied in previousresearch on Taiwanese political movement during Japanese-ruled period. People whodidn’t apparently revolt against the colonizer were classified subservient. Suchdichotomous practice too simplifies the relationship between the colonizer and thecolonized. During mid Japanese-ruled period, the Home Rule Movement not onlyresisted colonial oppression, but also obeyed the colonizer’s rules as well. Struggledfor the rights that a Japanese has, it further request to sustain particularity of Taiwan.This is a typical phenomenon of “hybridity”.This paper explores ambivalent relationship between the colonizer and thecolonized inside the Home Rule Movement. Advocators of the Movementappropriated the colonizer’s discourses, such as self-governing, civilization,humanism. With such effort, the Movement promoted rights and status of Taiwanese.During that period, internal conflict resulted in Taiwanese’ cleavage, while mutualfriendship were gradually built through amicable interacting like Japanese supportfor reformation. The colonizer and the colonized became interpenetrated.In addition to explore diversified countenance under colonized Taiwan, thepaper also addresses confinement of the Movement incurred by coppying thecolonizer’s discourses.