« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.15Publish: 2001/12

The Analytical Model of the Operation of Group In the Decision-Making Process

Author: Hen-Chin Chen

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

The  interaction  between  group  and  state  in  the  decision-making  process  has increasingly  become  new  topic  in  the  policy  analysis.    In  accordance  with  the leading scholarship on the subject, this paper is to explore the different viewpoints of the different model in explaining the changing relationship between group and state in the policy formation.    After discussing the four models of the interaction between group and state – pluralism, corporatism, subsystem, and policy network, this paper critically compares and analyses the differences found in these models.   Since  these  four  models  were  limited  by  their  applying  theories  and  approaches, the important questions cannot find answers from them.    Therefore, based on the mutual interdependency between state and social groups,this paper finally presents an  integrated  framework.    Hopefully,this  integrated  framework  might  move beyond  mere  description  and  has  more  explanatory  power  in  the  relationship between group and state’s policy.

Keywords:corporatism、group、pluralism、Policy Network、subsystem model