« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.13Publish: 2000/12

Deliberative Democracy and Democratic Imagination

Author: Kuo-Hsien Hsu

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

Majoritarianism plays a vital part in modern democracy. It is a simple method  with  clear-cut  solution  in  case  of  disagreement.  Building  upon  the quantitative  comparison  of  preferences,  this  very  simplicity  ignores  the justification  of  preferences,  which  proponents  of  deliberative  democracy think  we  should  provide  and  then  reason  together  with  others.  As  a  new form  of  democratic  imagination,  deliberative  democracy  asks  citizens  and politicians  to  deliberate  publicly  their  justifiable  reasons  for  preferring specific policies with their fellow-citizens, in order that purely self-interested preferences  will  be  seriously  cross-examined.  This  article  tries  to  evaluate the overall project of deliberative democracy and to delineate the difficulties it  may  encounter,  and  then  concludes  with  a  reflective  look  at  democratic process today.

Keywords:Deliberation、Enlarged Mentality、Majoritarianism、Publicity