The Discourse of Political Science Developing Tendency around Millennium
Author: Kao Yuang Kuang, Kuo Chung Ling
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
In retrospect to its past more than one hundred years developing, what prospect does political science has in twenty-first century? Political scientists are seeking to identify a specific history for political science recent years around millennium. The striving of building the disciplinary history is helpful to political scientists to share its value and identity in common. Also, this attempt is to endorse the legitimacy and to embed the responsibility into the political science community. Moreover, as a salient discipline, political science must have its own paradigms; however, as Kuhn said, paradigms have usually been shifting. What paradigms have political science had this time around millennium? How will these paradigms be shifting toward twenty-first century? It is the moment right now to examine all the paradigms of political science not only from the history but also from the methods. The development of political science in any country is related to its propensity of regime. In a democratic state, for example, its developing of political science is as well as its democratization process. Along this line, what the real relationship between political science and regime is the major thinking tendency in developing political science around millennium. What will this new tide of political science develop when into twenty-first century affect Taiwan’s political science community? The authors believe that the sooner to investigate the actuality, history and its relationship with political regime of Taiwan’s political science, the better to build up the discipline’s status. Then, Taiwan’s political science developing will be on the right track toward the twenty-first century.