Abstract A Human Being: Surviving Dialectically between the Objectivity and Subjectivity
Author: Chyuan-jenq Shiau
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
Feasible principles on ethics and moral should be constructed on the basis of a new specific philosophy on a human being. This paper criticizes first the traditional human philosophy that separates the being of a man from his objective surroundings and their dynamic change and influence. Based upon the genetic epistemology of Jean Piaget, Confucius’ statement on the stages of his life, and Inetzsche’s view on the changes of human spirit, this article tries to articulate a new human philosophy that integrates dialectically the objectivity and subjectivity for a human being and its whole life.
Keywords:a human being、Confucius、F.W. Nietzsche、genetic epistemology、Jean Piaget、modern ethics、objectivity、public moral、Subjectivity