An Analysis of Israeli-Palestinian Relations in the 1990s and Their Prospect
Author: Chu Chang Pi-chu
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
The Israeli-PLO relations underwent dramatic changes in the 1990s. After the conclusion of Gulf war in 1991, the peace talks between Israel and PLO turned a new page, thanks to the United States iniative. From 1993 to 1995, the two parties reached a number of important agreements. As a result, then the prospect for peace looked bright indeed. In 1996, when Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud Party came to power in Israel, the Israeli-PLO relations dipped to a new low. The harsh policies adopted by the Netanyahu government toward PLO and the resulting bloody violence led to stalemates with regard to the peace talks between the two parties. When Ehud Barak replaced Netanyahu as the Israelo Prime Minister in 1999, the Israeli-PLO relations took a promising tura. Admittedly, there exist a variety of variables in the Israeli-PLO peace process, However, a review of current world situations indicates that there is reason to be hopeful. Specifically, to keep the peace process going is in conformity with the national interests of Israel, PLO and the United states. Apparently, the future of the relations between the Israel and PLO is hinged upon the wisdom of the leadership of the relevant parties.