« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.10Publish: 1999/06

A Radical Transformation of the Idea of Representation in the Period of the American Revolution

Author: Frank Chang

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

The representation system is a key mechanism for modern democracy, the problems deriving from it such as its roles, functions, and the proper way of electing representatives, are enduring questions for heated debates. Since the U.S.A., a great nation in terms of land population, is the first country in the world the operation of whose political system is prescribed by a written constitution, which places an emphasis on the notions of popular sovereignty and separation of power, to her the concept and system of representation is especially  significant.  This  study  is  aimed  to  probe  into,  in  view  of  its historical  context,  many  occasions  of  disputes  concerning  the  idea  of representation during the period of the drafting and shaping of the American Constitution,  investigate  some  critical  transformations  of  the  meaning  of representation, analyze the argument of the related protagonists, examine the political and historical background which give rise to such vicissitudes. The study will attempt to draw out an overall consideration and evaluation of the impact,  for  better  or  for  worse,  which  the  representation  system  brought about on the development of the American Constitutionalism.

Keywords:actual representation、anti-federalist、check and balance、federalist、mixed government、representation、separation of power、virtual representation