« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.09Publish: 1998/06

Explanation and Criticism: On the Critical Scientific Realism

Author: Chuang Chin-Nun, Wei Chung-Ping

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

This  article  aims  at  introducing  the  ‘critical  realism’  developed mainly by the English philosopher Roy Bhaskar. Discussion is focused on one  of  his  important  arguments  that  the  social  scientific  explanation  not only provides the true causal explanation of social phenomena by pointing out  the  hidden  generative  mechanism  but  also  has  the  capacities  of criticizing the dominant social structure and after all emancipating human beings  from  this  unwanted  and  unneeded  situation.  Attempt  has  been made  to  highlight  the  innate  limits  of  his  theory  by  ascertaining  the presumptions  of  the  critical  social  sciences  in  general  along  with  some counterpoints presented by other theories. It is hoped that the possibility of  which  the  protagonist  theory  as  the  ideal  meta-science  discourse propounded   by   critical   thoerists   can   be   assessed   and   how   far   the discrepancy between them is to be made up for.
