“The Interactions between Global Environmental Governance and Domestic Politics: The ICCAT Slashing of Taiwan’s Bigeye Tuna Quota in 2005 “
Author: Wun-cian Lin
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in intergovernmental relations within the field of political science in Taiwan. However, studies have mostly focused on domestic-level actors, with little attention paid to the effect of international institutions and actors. The aim of this paper is to examine the interaction between global environmental governance and intergovernmental relations with regard to environmental issues. Through an examination of the ICCAT decision to slash Taiwan’s bigeye tuna quota in 2005, this study presents the following findings. First, restraint powers in global economic governance come from diverse sources and take many different forms. Hence, the state must coordinate with other states and non-state actors. Second, the regulatory reform process for marine affairs in Taiwan is still at an early stage and new cooperation mechanisms have not yet been established. Consequently, it is difficult to build consensus among stakeholders. Third, although marine fishing rules and oversight mechanisms in Taiwan have undergone revision, there are still many areas for improvement, including intergovernmental structure, educational policy, and regulatory regime. Finally, the interaction between global environmental governance and intergovernmental relations consists of the following five stages: environmental consensus building and international institution construction, environmental monitoring, international pressuring, intergovernmental interaction, and lastly, policy and institution production. When thinking about the solution to global public problems, scholars working on intergovernmental relations should consider the role of international institutions and actors to gain a clearer picture.