« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.51Publish: 2012/03

The Theory and Practice of Collaboration between Local Governments and Non-profit Organizations in Japan

Author: Shu-Hsin Lin

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

The main objectives of this study are to analyze basic theories and practices behind the promotion of partnerships with non-profit organizations (NPO) by local governments in Japan, examine how governance practices are adapted to the local government level, and gain a better understanding of the achievements and challenges of NPO partnership promotion. It is hoped that this study will provide a useful reference for the future collaboration between NPOs and local governments in Taiwan.

This study identifies three methods by which collaboration between local governments and NPOs are promoted in Japan: the enactment of a legal framework for collaboration, establishing a suitable environment for collaboration, and the building of incentive systems. However, although efforts to promote collaboration have been extensive, many of its results have not met expectations, revealing a range of problems including discrepancy between the ideas behind and actual practice of collaboration between local governments and NPOs, as well as difficulties associated with intermediary organizations, financing, and the business proposal system. However, Japan’s experience with the idea of “new public administration”, the development of an environment which promotes collaboration, and the use of diverse incentive systems offer an important reference for Taiwan.

Keywords:Intermediary Organizations、Iocal Government、Japan、Non-profit Organizations、partnership