The Formation and Evolution of Interest Groups in the Russian Federation
Author: Hong-yi Lien
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
Industrial revolution not only changed the manufacturing processes, but also triggered the social changes in western countries. Throughout the last few hundred years when western democratization took place, the role of interest groups became more and more important. There was no interest group in the Soviet Union, however, due to its political system-Socialism and Communist one party rule. After the Soviet Union collapsed, the political reform in Russia tended to democratization, and the economic reform adopted shock therapy to make a quick transition to capitalist market economy. Accordingly, the development of interest groups was thriving in Russia, but the types and effects of interest groups were different from those of the western countries. First of all, this article tries to discuss the characters, types and developments of Russian interest groups, and then to explore the differences between the Russian interest groups and their counterparts in the western countries.