Party Caucuses Negotiation and Legislation Process: Analysis of the Fifth Legislative Body in Taiwan
Author: Shiow-Duan Hawang, Song-Ting Ho
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
In the Legislative Yuan, it is impossible for 225 legislators to make all of theirdecisions through a process of bargaining and compromise among independentmembers, unless there is some force that can mediate the conflicting interests. Thepolitical party in the Legislative Yuan seeks to provide a focus and act as acentralizing force that will permit Congress to reach meaningful decisions.This article will focus on what kind of role a party caucus negotiation plays inthe legislative process: What kinds of bills are more easily referred to a party caucusnegotiation? After being referred to the party caucus negotiation, what kinds of billsare easier to pass? To what extent can the party caucus negotiation promotelegislative lawmaking?This paper will examine 2472 legislative bills proposed by differentinstitutions or players to see if there are certain characteristics that result in somebills more easily being sent to negotiation. From those bills referred to the partycaucus negotiation, what kind more easily finish the negotiation, and what kind areeasier to pass?Party bills, bills going straight to the second reading, political and cross-straitissues, bills referred to heavily busy committees, and bills with counter-proposalsare more frequently sent to negotiation. Most of these bills are also more likely toreach agreement. However, bills referred to heavily busy committees are moreeasily sent to negotiation, but less likely to reach agreement.Governmental bills, and bills with counterproposals are easier to pass. On theother hand, bills sent to highly busy committees, economic and financial issues,educational and cultural issues appear less easy to get passed.