Constitutionalism and Administration: On the Origin and Impact of Woodrow Wilson’s The Study of Administration
Author: Bao-Zhong Han
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
Woodrow Wilson is well respected as the father of American administrationstudy. “The Study of Administration,” which was published in 1887, is regarded asa landmark work in this discipline. There is much research debating the influence of“The Study of Administration”. However, by learning more about the genesis anddevelopment of Wilson’s academic concern, we can better understand the meaningand value of “The Study of Administration”. This article will discuss the origins, theresearch consciousness formation, and the enlightenment of “The Study ofAdministration”. By reviewing Wilson’s writings before 1886, we find that Wilsonwas concerned with the national development of his country, and that he diagnosedthe sources of American development problems from the view of constitutionaltheory. Wilson thought that the American government, under the principle ofseparation of powers, might evolve into diffusion of powers and domination by theCongress, and that therefore nobody would answer for the failure of policyimplementation. This kind of government could not get the U.S. ahead. Facingconstitutional difficulties head on, Wilson suggested diagnoses and solutions,otherwise known as the “politics-administration dichotomy”. By order of priority,the political problems are though fundamental not urgent, and the administrativeproblems both derivative and imperative. “The Study of Administration” deals withthe derivative and imperative problems, and also dwells on the attributes, categoriesof missions, and values of administration in democratic government. “The Study ofAdministration” laid down the foundations for solving the fundamental politicalproblems of the day.