« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.34Publish: 2007/12

Genealogy as Methodology

Author: Hsuan-Lei Shao

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

Foucault’s  genealogy  focuses  on  the  “discontinuity”  of  history,  and  it  wouldbe most appropriate for conferring Foucault’s ontology and epistemology on his de-constructivism.  This  essay  is  an  attempt  to  introduce  the  origin  and  function  ofFoucault’s  research  methodology.  It  is  also  a  genealogical  analysis  of  genealogy.Genealogy  is  at  first  a  research  method  by  which  people  analyze  their  familymembers  so  as  to  understand  where  they  come  from  and  to  obtain  a  sense  ofcomfort  from  knowing  from  where  and  from  whence  they  originated.  Later  onNietzsche used etymology to explore the development of “words” and their impliedvalues. In his research, Nietzsche discovered the disruption of inheritance of words.Words usually inherit their meanings selectively from their old meanings. Foucaultdeveloped  his  own  research  approach  by  adopting  Nietzsche’s  genealogy  in  theresearch  on  marginalized  social  issues,  such  as  knowledge,  sexuality  and  clinicalmedicine.  Foucault  deconstructed  history  and  introduced  a  set  of  principles  forgenealogy.  The  genealogy  method  is  against  holism,  and  may  be  used  as  analternative perspective on post-modern social sciences.

Keywords:Epistemology、Foucault、Genealogy、Methodology、Nietzsche、Social Science