Problems with the Development of Local Politics in Taiwan: A Perspective on Local Governance
Author: Yung-mau Chao
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
The development of democracy in Taiwan has shown itself to be successful inlocal self-government and democratic elections; it has even completed the peacefultransition of central ruling parties through means of election. However, there arestill some symptoms of ill-health with the development of local political democracyin Taiwan: the powerlessness and dysfunction of local governments, oligarchy andpower abuse of elected political bodies, worsening of political ecology and closedpolitical processes in local democracy, problems with monopoly and the spoilssystem in governing local public resources and the politico-economic interestsshown by informal groups such as local factions, families-and-relatives or mafia-and-money (black-gold) coalition. These factors all impede the development oflocal political democracy consolidation and its deepening in Taiwan.Reconstructing political ecology, culture, institution, and governance capacityare possible problem-solving strategies. From cases in Britain and the United States,we can find some valuable pragmatic reflections: enhancing the capacity of localgovernment and self-government, empowering local civil social organizations,‘bridge and build’ collaborative governance structure to make public sectors andprivate or social organizations become governing partnerships or networks ondivergent public issues and policies. In detail, “Sunny Acts” should be established,to improve the principles necessary for transparency, openness, participation andaccountability, and to prevent and avoid corruption and power abuse within local political bodies. In addition, central government should amend or build relevantlaws and regulations that encourage and subsidize local governments inintergovernmental cooperation and cross-boundary management. These strategieson governance capacity-building and institution-building will be good for Taiwan tomake strong democracy for local politics development.