Intra-party Factional Competition and the Fate of the Party Election: A Case Study of the Democratic Progressive Party
Author: Yung-Ming Hsu, Houng-Chang Chen
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of intra-party factionalcompetition on the congressional elections. After discussing the changes in factionalinfluence during the DPP’s congressional candidature nomination process from1986 to 2004, we conclude that factions have usually dominated the DPP’scandidature nomination process in congressional elections since 1986. Also, thechanges in the DPP candidate nomination process have been deeply driven by thechanges in each faction’s power struggles in the DPP’s central administration. Inaddition, in the early 1990s there was a shift in the power structure of the DPP’scentral administration from polarization to diversification. Since early 1990s, thisdiverse power structure has also helped the DPP to overcome under-representationin the congressional elections.