« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.30Publish: 2006/12

The Fiat of ‘Leviathan’: “Let us Make Man”

Author: Jui-Chung Chen

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

This article argues that Thomas Hobbes’ ‘Leviathan’ is not only a masterpieceof political philosophy but also a milestone in political education.    Beginning fromthe  interpretation  of  the  fiat  of  “let  us  make  man,”  the  author  of  ‘Leviathan’endeavors to persuade his educated civilian people to recognize the proper way toconstruct the right state so as to solve the predicament of the state of war. He alsoendeavors  to  persuade  them  to  uphold  relations  between  the  unique  creation-Leviathan  and  the  state  after  it  is  in  possession  of  a  brand  new  identity.    TheLeviathan that is produced from ‘Leviathan’ becomes a reliable ‘garden of Eden’ onearth and the subjects of Leviathan become Adams and Eves who choose to obeythe precepts of the mortal god in new Eden for a new life one that is safe, free andpeaceful and involves never “eating” the fruits of the tree of good and bad, whatevertemptations they may encounter.

Keywords:Hobbes、Leviathan、Political Education、Political Philosophy、State