Moving Towards Theoretical Synthesis in IR Theories: An Alternative Exploration of Southeast Asian Security
Author: Hseik Wen Soong, Hao Yang
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
Through theoretical arguments and dialogue between realism, liberalism, andinstitutionalism, this paper proposes “restrained realism” as a synthesis of prevailingIR theories. Three characteristics construct the model of restrained realism: (1) vis-a-vis the issue of defense and security, Southeast Asian security would be two-levelrestrained by “structure” and “units”; (2) under restrained realism, competitionwould be reflected through economic interaction and cooperation with in theSoutheast Asia region; (3) the advocacy of an international regime for regionalcooperation would be important for the relatively stable regional security ofSoutheast Asia. Since the 1960s, these three characteristics have posed anempirical mechanism for the development of the regional stability in SoutheastAsia.