« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.27Publish: 2006/03

On the Politburo of CPV

Author: Abraham K. M. Leong

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

Since  the  independence  of  Vietnam  in  1945,  the  Communist  Party  (ĐảngCộng  Sản  Việt  Nam,  CPV)  has  been  the  ruling  party  of  the  Socialist  Republic  ofVietnam (Democratic Republic of Vietnam before 1976). The Politburo (Bộ Chínhtrị) has been the core of decision-making within the CPV since its establishment inthe  CPV’s  Second  Congress  in  1951.  Studying  the  Politburo  thus  is  valuable  andallows  us  to  analyze  the  decision-making  process  and  the  trends  of  Vietnam’spolitics and economic policies.Based on the records released by the CPV and materials from other sources,this article aims to build a framework of analysis for the Politburo of the CPV. First,the  Politburo’s  status  in  Vietnam’s  decision-making  process  is  explored.  Second,the composition of the Politburo is analyzed, with the focus on its members’ careerswithin  the  state  and  the  party.  Third,  the  background  of  members  and  thegeographical considerations in selecting them are probed. The article concludes bydemonstrating how,  under the  influence of the above  factors, Vietnamese  policieswere made.

Keywords:Communist Party、Politburo、Vietnam、Ðổi Mới