« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.27Publish: 2006/03

Republicanism, Nationalism and Constitutional Theory: The Hidden Dialogue between Arendt and Schmitt

Author: Carl K. Y. Shaw

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

This  paper  explores  the  contributions  of  the  thoughts  of  Carl  Schmitt  andHannah  Arendt  to  the  issue  of  constitutional  theory.    Based  on  my  previousresearch   on   republicanism,   my   argument   is   that   Schmitt   transforms   theMachiavellian  idea  of  founding  into  the  constituent  power  of  the  nation.    Theidentity of a state is thus located in an identification with the transcendent nation.In  On  Revolution,  Arendt  conducts  a  hidden  dialogue  with  Schmitt,  rejecting  theidea  of  creating  a  political  order  via  dictatorship.    Relied  on  classical  politicalphilosophy, Arendt’s argument asserts that the “principium” (principle) exemplifiedin  citizens’  collective  actions  is  the  immanent  source  of  political  legitimacy.    Inthis way, the locus of political identity for Arendt is societas, not nation.

Keywords:Carl Schmitt、Constitutionalism、Hannah Arendt、Nationalism、republicanism