« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.21Publish: 2004/09

From Committee for Promotion of Women’s Rights to Committee for Gender Equality — A State Feminism Study from Comparative Perspective

Author: Wan-Ying Yang

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

The    increasing    interactions    between    Women’s    movement    and    state government  have  transferred  from  the  cooperation  on  policy  project  to  the institutionalization of regular division of labor. Women’s movement has gradually moved into state institution. The most distinguished case is the appeal of women’s groups, influenced by the international tendency and the regime change, to install a central highest-level women’s agency in the ongoing governmental reform project.   And such experience accumulats gradually through trial and error.   This research focuses on the development and transformation of the institution of gender equality. Essentially this is a comparative institutional study, therefore, I shall first compare other countries’ experiences in building women’s state agency.   Based  on  the  comparative  analytical  viewpoints  and  framework,  I  shall  focus  on Taiwan’s  case  to  examine  the  historical  interaction  between  Taiwan  women’s movement and state organs.    Specifically, I compare the founding and operation of the committee for the Promotion of Women’s Rights under the KMT regime, with the  promotion  of  the  installation  of  the  Committee  for  Gender  Equality  under  the DPP  regime  by  women’s  groups.    They  are,  in  fact,  developed  under  different structural  contexts  and  political  opportunities,  and  reveal  different  relationships between state and gender.

Keywords:Committee for Gender Equality、committee for the Promotion of Women’s Rights、gender mainstreaming、state feminism、women’s movement