« Taiwanese Journal of Political Science No.21Publish: 2004/09

The Political Analysis on the Decision Making of Distributive Policies and Budgets

Author: Ching-Jyuhn Luor

Abstract / Chinese PDF Download

The present study explores the pattern of distributive policy making during the time period of the 2 nd  to the 4 th  Legislative Yuan in Taiwan.    Specifically, we ask whether  universalism  is  the  regular  pattern  of  distributive  policy  making  in  the Legislative  Yuan?  Does  the  universalism  still  hold  when  the  policy  benefit  being distributed  is  controversial?  If  it  is  not  the  case,  then  what  roles  do  party  and standing   committee   play?      We   analyze   distributive   bills   and   twenty-three controversial  distributive  budget  items  during  the  time  period  of  the  2 nd  to  the  4 th  Legislative Yuan aiming at answer these questions.    Besides, the characteristics of winning coalition for each distributive bill and budget are explored as well. Overall, we find that universalism is not the monolithic pattern of distributive policy  making.  The  intra-party-universalism  tends  to  prevail  once  the  partisan interests or ideology getting involved, in the sense that every legislator stands in the partisan line, and almost everyone within their party has the same policy preference.   Moreover, the policy preferences of committee members are along with party line so long as the partisan issue comes to play.    Finally, when the partisan issue breaks legislators  apart,  different  types  of  wining  coalition  are  formed.    There  is  no constant combination of parties in the winning coalition. Yet different combination of party coalition is formulated depending on the attributes of policy benefits.    In most  cases  with  rare  exceptions,  Democratic  Progressive  Party  tends  to  cooperate with New Party fighting Kuomintang for the infrastructure or public works related benefits.    Kuomin tang is willing to stay with New Party on the veteran’s affair or ideology related policy benefit.

Keywords:distributive policy、Distributive Politics、intra-Party-universalism、Legislative Yuan、universalism