The Characteristics Change of Farmer Association Faction in Taiwan — A Case Study of Sheilin Township (1970-1990)
Author: Yung-mau Chao, Chung-Wen Huang
Abstract / Chinese PDF Download
This paper try to observe and compare the characteristics change of farmer association factions in the Sheiln Township, a small rural township in west coast of Taiwan between 1970’s and 1990’s. It proves some findings as following: 1. When local socio-economic and political environment change, the faction characteristics of farmer association in Sheilin Township is getting change too; and the local one-party politics has been changed to be a two-party politics. 2. Elction campaigning of factions getting more positive and independent which is different from the passed party control by KMT. 3. After authoritarian transformation, the KMT’s local party branches has been loosed the nominate power of association manager which brings the factions more decision making power for the managers’ nomination. 4. The ori“reputation”, that has been changing into “public position” and more coalition power instead. 5. Sheilin township’s faction power structure of farmer association has been getting more unstable during 1990’s, the faction members’ cooperation is based upon a bartering mechanism for power and interest, instead the passed way on the “Kuan-hsi” (relationship) and passion.ginal factor, which considers someone as a faction leader, is