
Mr. Li De-Jin Scholarship
Eligibility: First, second, and third-year students of the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University (NTU).
Application Deadline: Annually by October 31. Applicants should submit their application materials to the Political Science Department Office.
Application Location: Contact the Department Office.
Award Amount: One student per grade level; each recipient receives NTD 20,000.
Mr. Yu Ren-Huan Scholarship
Eligibility: Third and fourth-year students of the Department of Political Science at NTU.
Application Period: October 1 – October 31 (of the given year).
Application Location: Contact the Department Office.
Award Amount: Tentatively two recipients; each awarded NTD 10,000.
Mr. Yu Ren-Huan Scholarship Guidelines
1. To commemorate Mr. Yu Renhuan, this association has established a scholarship (tentatively two recipients) to reward students excelling in the study of Political Science.
2. The scholarship is limited to third- and fourth-year Political Science students at National Taiwan University who meet the following criteria, with preference given to those from financially disadvantaged backgrounds:

  • (1) Academic excellence, with an average score of 80 or above in the previous academic year.
  • (2) Conduct grade of B or above.
3. The scholarship is awarded once per year. Applicants must submit a completed application form, along with their transcript, household registration copy, and any supporting documents, to the Department of Political Science Office at National Taiwan University by October 31. The office will forward the materials to this association, which will select the recipients. Applicants with proof of financial hardship may also submit such documentation.
4. Each scholarship recipient will receive NT$10,000 per academic year (tentative).
5. If a recipient is disciplined by the university during the award period, this association may revoke the scholarship.
6. Scholarships will be sent to National Taiwan University’s Department of Political Science for distribution. Recipients must issue a receipt for record-keeping purposes.
7. Recipients of this scholarship may concurrently receive other scholarships.
8. These guidelines may be revised if necessary.
9. These guidelines shall be effective from the first semester of the 1960 academic year (ROC Year 49).
Chang Jin-Chien Administrative Studies Scholarship
Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students studying public administration.
Application Period: September 1 to October 25 (annually).
Application Location: Applications, along with required documents, should be mailed to the scholarship foundation (No. 557, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei).
Award Amount:

  • Undergraduate: NTD 10,000 per year.
  • Graduate: NTD 12,000 per year.
Chang Jin-Chien Administrative Studies Scholarship Guidelines
1. To encourage students in Public Administration departments and graduate programs at public and private universities to conduct research in public administration and promote its development, this foundation has established these scholarship application guidelines.
2. Scholarship amounts are as follows:

  • NT$10,000 annually for undergraduate students.
  • NT$12,000 annually for graduate students.
3. The number of scholarship recipients will be determined annually by the foundation’s board of directors.
4. Eligibility requirements for applicants:

  • Must be second-year or above students in Public Administration departments or graduate programs at public or private universities.
  • Must have a semester academic average of 80 or above.
  • Must have a conduct grade of A (甲).
5. Applications are accepted once annually, from September 1 to October 25. (Dates are subject to the latest announcement.)
6. Application process: Department heads must prepare a recommendation letter and submit it along with the applicant’s academic and conduct transcripts directly to the foundation (No. 557, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei) by October 25 each year.
7. Scholarship awards will be presented annually around the birthday of Chang Chin-Chien (the 17th day of the 10th lunar month).
8. These guidelines take effect following approval by the foundation’s board of directors. Revisions follow the same procedure.
Ying Quan Academic Foundation Scholarship
Eligibility: Students in public administration programs, with priority given to recent graduates.
Application Period: Late September to October (annually).
Application Location: Contact the Department Office.
Award Amount: NTD 20,000 per academic year, paid in one installment.
Ying Quan Academic Foundation Scholarship
1. These guidelines are established in accordance with Article 11 of the “Articles of Donation and Organization of the Ying-Chuan Academic Foundation.”
2. Eligibility criteria for the scholarship:

  • Current students in Public Administration departments at universities who have a cumulative academic average of 80 or above and a conduct grade of B (乙) or above
  • Graduates of Public Administration departments who are pursuing further studies with excellent academic performance (both their undergraduate cumulative grades and graduate school grades must be 80 or above).
3. The number of scholarships awarded will be determined by the board of directors.
4. Scholarship amounts:

  • NT$20,000 for undergraduate students.
  • NT$20,000 for graduate students or other scholarship recipients.
5. Applications are accepted once per academic year, with the application period occurring in October each year.
6. Application requirements:
Applicants must submit a completed application form along with the following documents within the specified timeframe:

  • Current students must include their academic transcripts and conduct grades for each semester.
  • Alumni pursuing further studies must include both their undergraduate and graduate school transcripts.
  • Any other relevant documents.
7. Scholarship applications must be recommended by the Public Administration department of the applicant’s university. After review and approval by the foundation’s board of directors, applicants will be notified individually. The notification will include details on how to claim the scholarship.
8. These guidelines take effect following approval by the foundation’s board of directors and submission to the relevant authorities for record-keeping. The same procedure applies to any revisions.

  • Recipients are ineligible to reapply within three years.
  • For recipients residing outside of New Taipei City, transportation costs equivalent to round-trip tickets on the Juguang train will be subsidized.

For more details on eligibility and regulations, consult the Department Office or the provided website. Any updates to the scholarships will be announced by the Department Office.

Mrs. Xie Sa Gong Zhao Memorial Scholarship
Eligibility: Second-year and above students of the Department of Political Science at NTU (limited to one recipient).
Application Period: Mid-March each year.
Application Location: Contact the Political Science Department Office.
Award Amount: NTD 6,000.
Application Criteria:

  • Average academic and conduct grades of 80 or above in the previous academic year.
  • Applicants must not have received other scholarships or government subsidies.
Required Documents:

  • One application form.
  • One copy of academic and conduct grade transcripts.
Ying Quan Academic Foundation Scholarship
1. These guidelines are established in accordance with Article 11 of the “Articles of Donation and Organization of the Ying-Chuan Academic Foundation.”
2. Eligibility criteria for the scholarship:

  • Current students in Public Administration departments at universities who have a cumulative academic average of 80 or above and a conduct grade of B (乙) or above
  • Graduates of Public Administration departments who are pursuing further studies with excellent academic performance (both their undergraduate cumulative grades and graduate school grades must be 80 or above).
3. The number of scholarships awarded will be determined by the board of directors.
4. Scholarship amounts:

  • NT$20,000 for undergraduate students.
  • NT$20,000 for graduate students or other scholarship recipients.
5. Applications are accepted once per academic year, with the application period occurring in October each year.
6. Application requirements:
Applicants must submit a completed application form along with the following documents within the specified timeframe:

  • Current students must include their academic transcripts and conduct grades for each semester.
  • Alumni pursuing further studies must include both their undergraduate and graduate school transcripts.
  • Any other relevant documents.

For more information on eligibility and regulations, refer to the provided website or contact the Department Office. Updates or changes to scholarships will be announced by the Department Office.

Group Medical Insurance
Responsible Unit: Responsible Unit: Student Affairs Office | Life Guidance Division. Please refer to [this link].
The webpage contains information on applying for Group Medical Insurance subsidies, including procedures, eligibility, and downloadable claim forms.
Employment for Graduates
Student Career Development Center
This webpage offers career counseling for graduating students and provides part-time job opportunities.


  • The tuition and fee reduction and student loan applications must be submitted before the semester begins. Students needing assistance should monitor announcements from the Department Office and the Office of Student Affairs before the end of each semester.
  • Stay updated by checking announcements from the Student Affairs Office.