- Application documents: curriculum vitae in Chinese, University/Bachelor Diploma, study plan in Chinese, certificate of Chinese language proficiency, supplemental materials submitted by the applicant.
- The Foreign Students Examination Committee of the Department of Political Science may recommend that the Department conduct a written and/or oral Chinese language proficiency test. Applicants who fail the test are requested to further improve their Chinese language abilities and/or limit their course load.
- Requested language ability: Chinese, English.
- 2015/2016 Application Requirements and Admission Quotas for International Degree Students.
- Application documents: curriculum vitae in Chinese, master thesis and/or other related materials and writings, study plan in Chinese, certificate of Chinese language proficiency, and supplemental materials submitted by the applicant.
- The Foreign Students Examination Committee of the Department of Political Science may recommend that the Department conduct a written and/or oral Chinese language proficiency test. Applicants who fail the test are requested to further improve their Chinese language abilities and/or limit their course load.
- Requested language ability: Chinese, English
- 2015/2016 Application Requirements and Admission Quotas for International Degree Students.
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