
歡迎參加 【與美國聯邦眾議員 Ruben Gallego 對話】國際專題演講活動 Invitation to join our Guest Speech Event (U.S. Representative: Ruben Gallego) on 2018/05/02 (Wednesday)

你對美國政治與國會運作有興趣嗎? 對美國聯邦眾議院的了解有多少? 想知道亞利桑那州高等教育機構有哪些?

Dear faculty and students,

Are you interested in U.S politics and Congress? How much do you know about United States House of Representatives? Wish to know more about the higher education in Arizona State?


臺大國際學院籌備處將於 2018/05/02 (星期三) 上午10:00-11:00 舉辦【與美國聯邦眾議員Ruben Gallego對話】國際專題演講活動,由前任 AIT 處長 Dr. William A. Stanton (司徒文) 擔任主持人,並邀請美國聯邦眾議員蓋耶哥 (Ruben Gallego) 偕其資深政策顧問 Robert Ikoku,與師生進行對談與交流。這樣重量級卡司的黃金組合,你可千萬不要錯過千載難逢的機會,與美國眾議員來場面對面的接觸吧!

We are very fortunate to have the chance to invite U.S. Representative from Arizona’s 7th congressional district, Ruben Gallego, and Mr. Robert Ikoku, Senior Policy Advisor to Rep. Ruben Gallego to come and give a guest speech at NTU on May 2nd.


If you are interested in engaging in a conversation with Rep. Ruben Gallego, please do not hesitate and join our event!



蓋耶哥 (Ruben Gallego),美國聯邦眾議員,畢業於哈佛大學,主修國際關係。曾服役美國海軍並派駐伊拉克,並擔任亞歷桑納州州眾議員。所屬政黨為民主黨,現參加聯邦眾議院「軍事」及「自然資源」委員會。


Rep. Ruben Gallego graduate from Harvard University with a degree in International Relations. He currently represents the 7th District of Arizona, including parts of Phoenix and Glendale, at the U.S. House of Representatives. He was previously enlisted in the Marine Corps, and was deployed to Iraq in 2005 as an infantryman, serving in Iraq with the Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. A Democrat, Congressman Gallego serves on the House Armed Services Committee and the Natural Resources Committee.


[活動日期 Date] 2018/05/02 (星期三) Wednesday


[活動時間 Time] 上午 10:00 – 11:00


[活動地點 Venue] 校總區行政大樓第一會議室 Conference Room 1, Administration Building, Taipei Main Campus


[活動內容 Event Schedule]

  • 美國政治與國會運作 Introduction about U.S Politics and United States Congress
  • 聽眾自由提問時間 Q&A


[報名方式 Registration] 歡迎現場報名Welcome to sign up on-site.

若有任何問題,歡迎詢問: 臺大國際學院籌備處 張小姐 gigichang@ntu.edu.tw

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Ms. Chang at gigichang@ntu.edu.tw


[活動回顧 Past Event Review]

  • 2017/11/01「與德國大使Mr. Martin Eberts對話」活動報導

Report: Talk With Ambassador Mr. Martin Eberts (Germany)


  • 2018/03/20「與印度大使Mr. Sridharan Madhusudhanan對話」活動報導

Report: Talk With the Ambassador Mr. Sridharan Madhusudhanan (India)


 更新時間: 2018-04-27 12:35:47