
公共治理系列演講-7/22(星期三) 19:00-21:00 特邀講者:Prof. Yu-Che Chen ,School of Public Administration,University of Nebraska Omaha

講題:Digital Innovations for Collaborative Governance: Data, Cyberinfrastructure,and Artificial Intelligence.

時間:109年7月22日(星期三) 19:00~21:00

地點: Zoom視訊會議 ID: (637 352 8287)

特邀講者:Prof. Yu-Che Chen ,School of Public Administration,University of Nebraska Omaha


陳聿哲博士是美國內布拉斯加大學奧馬哈分校公共事務與社區服務學院公共行政學系教授暨數位治理與分析實驗室主任。陳博士於美國印第安納大學布魯明頓分校獲得公共事務碩士與公共政策博士學位。主要研究領域包括電子化政府、數位治理、新興科技的政策與治理。目前擔任International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, Government Information Quarterly and Digital Government: Research and Practice等學術期刊編輯委員。同時擔任Digital Government Society理事,並將在2021 International Digital Government Research conference(dg.o 2021) 擔任理事長。他也是美國公共行政學會(ASPA)公共行政研究與政府科學與科技的執行委員。


Dr. Chen is the Director of the Digital Governance and Analytics Lab. His current research interests are cyberinfrastructure governance, public policy and governance of artificial intelligence, and collaborative digital governance. He has served as PI or Co-PI of research grants with the total award amount of over U.S. $2.7 million. He has published a single-authored book entitled Managing Digital Governance in addition to two edited books along with twenty-three peer-reviewed journal articles, thirteen book chapters, and eight management reports. His research works appear in scholarly journals such as Public Administration Review, Public Management Review, and Government Information Quarterly. He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age along with editorial board service

for four journals. He is a current board member of the Digital Government Society. He also serves on the Executive Committee of the Sections on Public Administration Research and on Science and echnology in Government for the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA).


*報名網址Sign up online https://forms.gle/Gje1qY4KJrxUBFv4A



 更新時間: 2020-06-29 14:37:23