

一、論文題目: “What are innovations in government? In Search of the meanings and public values from government innovation awards” (以英文寫作、中文發表)
五、地點:台北市羅斯福路四段一號 台大社科院大樓七樓東側(辛亥路後門)713討論室
六、報名:一律以線上報名,請email至 d01322007@ntu.edu.tw,供餐採登記制,請註明葷素;報名受理之後若有事無法前來請再來信告知。
What are innovations in government? In Search of the meanings and public values from government innovation awards

Wang, Mao
Public sector innovation has been an increasingly important research field in recent decades, and much research has tried to figure out where innovations in government come from and diffuse. Research actually provides abundant findings and suggestions for not only academia but also practitioners. However, what is the definition of public sector innovation is still unclear. Heuristically, we regard something new in public service delivery and beneficial to the citizen as innovations, even though it might be called as change or reform as well. Many governments employ the mechanism of awards to raise incentives to innovate, in this study, the author examines the indicators among those government innovation awards and contrasts them with previous studies to sort out the meanings of public sector innovation. In addition, innovations in government could bring about or change public values directly, and this study will discuss the results and rethink the theory of public sector innovation from a practical perspective.
Keywords: innovation, public sector innovation, public values, government innovation award(s)

 更新時間: 2016-05-18 14:59:13