【106年12月19日政治學系午餐演講系列】’Yes-man’ Firms: Government Campaigns and Policy Positioning of Businesses in China (英文演講)
【106年12月19日政治學系午餐演講系列】’Yes-man’ Firms: Government Campaigns and Policy Positioning of Businesses in China (英文演講)
■講者: Megumi Naoi 副教授 (美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校政治學系)
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★ 本演講歡迎自備午餐出席演講。
We advance a theory of strategic preference expression in authoritarian systems, where actors weigh material benefits and costs of voicing dissents based on their bargaining power with the government. Powerful actors are more likely to express preferences truthfully to obtain policy concessions, while powerless actors are more likely to conform to the government’s position to obtain side-payments or to avoid punishment. We test this argument using survey experiments with firm executives in China, which ask executives differently prefaced questions about how liberalization of inward foreign direct investment (FDI) will affect their businesses: without versus with a preface that signals the government’s desired policy direction. The treatment increases the percentage of firms that report to “benefit” from inward FDI between 14 to 36 percentage points. Powerful firms (state-owned and foreign-owned) change their responses the least, whereas powerless, private firms are more likely to shift their reporting to conform to the government.
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★ 聯絡人:陳聿伶,電話:(02)3366-8450。