【108年5月20日政治學系演講】Military Alliances and Public Support for War (英文演講)
【108年5月20日政治學系演講】Military Alliances and Public Support for War (英文演講)
■地點:臺大社會科學院5樓東亞民主研究中心會議室( 512室)
■講者:Michael Tomz 教授 CV下載 (Professor of Political Science at Stanford University)
How do military alliances affect public support for war? We offer the first experimental evidence on this fundamental question. Our experiments revealed that alliance commitments greatly increase the American public’s willingness to intervene abroad. The effects were largest when the stakes of intervention were low, the costs of intervention were high, and the country in need of aid was a non-democracy. Thus, alliances create public support for getting entangled in conflicts the country might otherwise avoid. We further found that alliances shape public opinion through two main mechanisms: alliances increase public fears about the reputational costs of nonintervention, and heighten the perceived moral obligation to intervene by raising concerns about fairness and loyalty. These findings shed new light on debates about the effects of alliances in international politics
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★ 聯絡人:陳聿伶,電話:(02)3366-8450。