【2021年5月20日政治學系/公共事務研究所演講】健康政策系列演講(一):Health Policy Reforms of National Breast Cancer Screening Program in Taiwan
時間:2021/5/20(四) 13:20~15:10
講者介紹:Hui-Min Hsieh, Ph.D., is the professor of the Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical University. Dr. Hsieh is the recipient of the 2019 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (吳大猷先生紀念獎) and Distinguish Young Scholar Award of Kaohsiung Medical University (青年講座教授).
Dr. Hsieh’s expertise includes health policy and program evaluation, cost-effectiveness analysis, and health organization and management. Her current research interests primarily focus on the pay-for-performance program of the National Health Insurance Program on patients with multiple comorbidities, and health policy in cancer prevention.Dr. Hsieh earned her Ph.D. in Health Services Organization and Research from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2010, her Master and B.S degrees in Business Administration in 2001 and 1999 from National Chung-Cheng University.