[代公告] 6月25日 (五) 17:00-18:30 英國參議員Balfe爵士線上演講
台灣歐盟中心,將於6月25日下午5時至6時30分,以WEBEX線上系統為平台,舉行英國參議員Balfe爵士演講,主題為 “The evolving challenges to democratic values, building new coalitions”
EUTW-AIR-AFR-ECSA Taiwan Speech of Lord Richard Balfe on
“The Evolving Challenges to Democratic Values, Building New Coalitions”
Date/Time: 25 June, 2021 from 17:00-1830
Webex meeting: https://ntucc.webex.com/ntucc/j.php?MTID=m4006f31d90ad9ab95680498513317fcc
17:00-17:10 Opening Remarks
Hungdah Su, Jean Monnet Professor, National Taiwan University/ Director General, European Union Centre in Taiwan
Andrew L. Y. Hsia, Chairman, Association of Foreign Relations
17:10-17:45 Keynote Speech
“The Evolving Challenges to Democratic Values, Building New Coalitions” by Lord Richard Balfe
17:45-18:05 Q & A
18:05-18:25 Panel Discussion (in Chinese)
Hungdah Su, Jean Monnet Professor, National Taiwan University/ Director General, European Union Centre in Taiwan
Chyungly Lee, Research Fellow/Professor, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University
Alexander Huang, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University
18:25-18:30 Closing Remarks
Hungdah Su, Jean Monnet Professor, National Taiwan University/ Director General, European Union Centre in Taiwan