
異動為線上演講【2022年5月3日政治學系午餐演講】A battle over reality: Pitching the social contract anew through the neuropolitics of inclusion:Liya Yu 博士主講


■講者: 喻俐雅博士(Dr.Liya Yu) (美國哥倫比亞大學博士)
Liya Yu received her B.A. from the University of Cambridge in political philosophy and her M.Phil and Ph.D. from Columbia University in political science. She is the author of Vulnerable Minds: The Neuropolitics of Divided Societies (Columbia University Press, 2022). Her work uses social neuroscience to make sense of democratic polarisation, nationalism, right-wing populism and racism.
She has taught and researched at the University of Virginia, Columbia’s Global Mental Health Center and the Research Institute of Philosophy, Hannover. She is the organizer of the UN Global Compact (Switzerland and Liechtenstein) Neuropolitics and Sustainability Series. As a German-Chinese activist, Liya is a prominent voice in Germany and Europe on Asian representation and anti-Asian racism, frequently appearing in European media.
Currently she is an artist-in-residence at Treasure Hill Artist Village in Taipei, where she is writing a feminist novel about democratisation and biculturalism in China.

■講題:A battle over reality: Pitching the social contract anew through the neuropolitics of inclusion / 為真實性而戰:以包容的神經政治學重新倡議社會契約論(英文演講)
Short description: Liberal democracies worldwide are facing increased polarisation and division, with right-wing ideologies and parties laying claim to illiberal and nationalist visions of reality. Current Liberal and Left strategies based on a moral-values discourse increasingly fail to address these divisions and persuade those hostile to the democratic social order. A novel, neuropolitical theory of inclusion based on social neuroscience insights into stereotyping, racism and dehumanization can offer an alternative framework and persuasive language through which to pitch the social contract anew in our hyperdiverse times. This neuropolitical approach, in the tradition of other materialist social contract theorists such as Thomas Hobbes, is focused on understanding the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying exclusion and division, and offering effective strategies in reaching the brains of those who are hardest to convince. The talk will apply these theoretical arguments in the context of post-Trump US, anti-Asian racism in Europe, and rising nationalism and the post-liberal world order after the Ukraine invasion.


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★ 聯絡人:陳聿伶,電話:3366-8450。

 更新時間: 2022-03-24 16:03:46