本週六12/24中國大陸事務學會榮幸邀請到來自密西根州立大學的Caitlin Barker來分享她的中非研究:
「Knowledge Production and Citizen Diplomacy in Cameroon-China Relations During the Cold War: Preliminary Findings」,歡迎大家參與!
Caitlin Barker, PhD candidate in history at Michigan State University and current Fulbright-Hays fellow, will report on her ongoing PhD dissertation research on knowledge production and citizen diplomacy in Cameroon-China relations during the Cold War.
Having conducted nine months of oral interviews and archival research in Cameroon, one month of archival research in France, and two months of archival research in Taiwan, Caitlin will discuss how putting these diverse sources into conversation helps reveal bilateral knowledge production processes. She will briefly discuss her preliminary findings regarding three types of bilateral knowledge production in the context of the global Cold War: anticolonial knowledge, medical knowledge, and engineering knowledge. Caitlin welcomes any and all questions and feedback on her ongoing research!
■線上Google Meet:https://meet.google.com/zea-qewt-jph