
美國博班申請攻略工作坊-2023.6.20(二) 1:00-3:00 pm

美國博班申請攻略工作坊 (Workshop on Application Strategy for US Ph.D. Programs)

對於正在或準備申請美國博士班的同學,最常遇見的問題就是不知如何強化自傳與研究計畫。除了展現自身優點與清楚的研究興趣外,其實你也需要考慮潛在的競爭者並了解彼此的優劣勢。本工作坊特別邀請到美國德州大學奧斯汀分校政府系教授Amy Liu分享寶貴的經驗與策略,協助同學應對申請過程的挑戰,增加被美國頂尖博士課程錄取的機會。講者將分享在審查人眼中甚麼樣的自傳是引人入勝的個人陳述,以及研究計畫主題應如何展現以凸顯優勢。



For students who are currently or preparing to apply for a PhD program in the United States, the most common problem they encounter is not knowing how to strengthen their statement of purpose and research proposal. In addition to showcasing their own strengths and clear research interests, they also need to consider potential competitors and understand each other’s advantages and weaknesses. This workshop invites Amy Liu, Professor of the Government Department at the University of Texas at Austin, to share valuable experience and strategies to help students cope with the application process and increase their chances of being admitted to top PhD programs in the United States. The speaker will share what kind of statement of purpose is fascinating to reviewers, and how to highlight strengths by demonstrating the research proposal topic.

This workshop will be conducted in two stages. In the first hour, the speaker will introduce the current application status of PhD programs in the United States, especially the potential sources and advantages of competitors of Taiwan students. Faculty members are welcome to join this hour to obtain relevant information on counseling students’ applications. In the second hour, the speaker will provide advice based on questions raised by each student. Students are encouraged to bring their own written statements and research proposals for discussion.

★日期 (Date): 2023年6月20日(二) June 20, 2023
★時間 (Time): 1:00-3:00 pm
★地點 (Location): 社科院306教室 Room 306, College of Social Sciences
★主講者 (Speaker): Professor Amy Liu, Department of Government, UT Austin
★主持人 (Moderator): 黃凱苹副教授 Asscociate Professor Kai-Ping Huang
★語言 (Language): English and Chinese
★備註 (Note): 碩博士生優先參加,視報名情況增加大學生參加名額 Priority is given to Ph.D. and Master’s degree students

 更新時間: 2023-05-02 14:37:19