
【 NTU PoliSci’s Brownbag Lunch Talk 】The Political Transformation of Hong Kong: From Liberal to Illiberal Authoritarianism

【NTU PoliSci’s Brownbag Lunch Talk】The Political Transformation of Hong Kong: From Liberal to Illiberal Authoritarianism

■Topic: The Political Transformation of Hong Kong: From Liberal to Illiberal Authoritarianism
■Speaker: Dr. Stephan Ortmann(Assistant Professor , Politics and Public Administration, Hong Kong Metropolitan University)
■Moderator: Prof. Min-Hua Huang ( Professor / Department Chairperson , Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University )
■Date & Time: Thursday, 7 December 2023, 12:20-14:00 P.M.
■Venue: Room 419, College of Social Science, NTU.
■Language: English
★Registration Deadline:1 December 2024.☞☞☞ Register (Limited to 40 people)。
★Application Requirement:Faculty and students of National Taiwan University.
★Contact email: yuling1980112@ntu.edu.tw
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 更新時間: 2023-11-15 17:19:04