



今年度中心非常榮幸邀請到加拿大多倫多大學黃一莊Joseph Wong教授來台,黃教授是多倫多大學政治系教授與副校長,曾任該校亞洲研究中心主任,研究興趣涵蓋比較公共政策與政治經濟學,對亞洲民主轉型有深入研究。著有《從經濟發展到民主:現代亞洲轉型之路的不同面貌》(From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia)《生技賭注:亞洲發展型國家的創新與限制》(Betting on Biotech: Innovation and the Limits of Asia’s Developmental State)、《健康的民主國家:臺灣與南韓的社會福利政治》(Healthy Democracies: Welfare Politics in Taiwan and South Korea)。


本次黃教授開授「福利國家:全球對話中的東亞」(The Welfare State: East Asia in Global Conversation ),旨在解釋東亞福利國家的演變,並透過比較東亞經驗與其他福利國家的社會政策改革,進行跨越地域與文化的福利國家全球對話。二十世紀最重要的政策發展之一,是推行社會政策,以緩解社會經濟不平等。討論議題包含:韓國和臺灣等東亞發展型國家有何獨特之處?如何反映福利國家理論?威權發展主義如何影響社會政策改革?民主轉型如何影響福利國家?最後,當前的社會、經濟和政治挑戰如何威脅到現有的再分配福利國家概念?



課程名稱:The Welfare State: East Asia in Global Conversation








Course Title: The Welfare State: East Asia in Global Conversation


Period: November 11-15 2024

Venue: Room 609, College of Social Science

Course Description:

One of the most significant policy developments of the twentieth century was the proliferation of social policies aimed at reducing socioeconomic inequality. Motivated by Marxist notions of class revolution or a commitment to inclusive economic development, the welfare state emerged as a critical factor for sustained growth and political stability. The need for socio-economic redistribution became even more urgent during the postwar period as industrialized, capitalist countries sought to address inequality, relative deprivation, and class resentment.

The postwar period was the global golden age of the welfare state. Rich countries experimented with increasingly generous and redistributive social welfare policies, while late developers in East Asia—particularly South Korea and Taiwan—faced the dual challenges of rapid economic growth and managing inequality. Born from Anglo-European experiences, welfare state theories had little to say about East Asia, which was not part of the global conversation. This course aims to explain the evolution of the welfare state in East Asia and position these experiences within global discussions on social policy reform and the welfare state.

The course will explore what makes places like South Korea and Taiwan distinctive, how they reflect and adapt welfare state theories, the impact of authoritarian developmentalism on social policy reform, the effect of democratic transitions on welfare states, and how current social, economic, and political challenges threaten prevailing conceptions of redistributive welfare states.

The course comprises four modules, each focusing on a different theme. While a chronological and historical approach is one way to think about this course, a more fruitful method considers the evolution of the East Asian welfare state within specific political and economic contexts, both globally and nationally. Each module will include a lecture followed by a seminar discussion. To facilitate meaningful discussions, students are expected to complete the assigned readings before class and reflect on the questions posed for each module in the syllabus.



This course is open to juniors, seniors (third and fourth-year undergraduate students), and graduate students. If you are interested, please register it at https://nol.ntu.edu.tw/nol/guest/index.php


 更新時間: 2024-08-12 11:18:18