【政治系雙語活動】多元視野X英語實戰 (政治系英語小聚)
📍 地點:社科 307 | Social Sciences Building 307
👥 每場限額:15 人,額滿為止!
🥗 供應餐點,邊學邊享受美食!
📅 2025/3/11(二)13:20-14:10
現代與傳統 / 設計你的理想城市
📅 2025/3/25(二)13:20-14:10
媒體識讀、錯假新聞 / 揭開假新聞的面紗:像記者一樣思考
📅 2025/4/1(二)13:20-14:10
健保利弊 / 健保競標挑戰賽
📅 2025/4/22(二)13:20-14:10
AI科技相關 / 情感與人工智慧
📅 2025/5/6(二)13:20-14:10
全球化與反全球化 / 全球貿易時空探險
📅 2025/5/27(二)13:20-14:10
工作價值觀與世代差異 / 跨世代職場價值觀:重新配音《高年級實習生》
地點: 社科307 每場人數上限: 15 (提供餐點)
📅 March 11, 2025 (Tue) 13:20-14:10
Modern vs. Traditional / Design Your Ideal City
Engage in a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of smart cities and technological advancements in daily life. Through this conversation, design your ideal city, considering infrastructure, transportation, and lifestyle.
📅 March 25, 2025 (Tue) 13:20-14:10
Media Literacy & Fake News / Unmasking Fake News: Think Like a Journalist
Step into the role of a journalist to uncover hidden biases and misinformation. Participate in fact-checking challenges to enhance critical thinking skills and navigate today’s digital news landscape.
📅 April 1, 2025 (Tue) 13:20-14:10
Pros & Cons of Healthcare / Healthcare Auction Challenge
Take on the role of a decision-maker in a high-stakes healthcare bidding competition. With a limited budget, bid on core services in a national healthcare system and learn how to make strategic decisions in real-world medical resource allocation.
📅 April 22, 2025 (Tue) 13:20-14:10
AI & Technology / Emotion and Artificial Intelligence
Engage in discussions and interactive AI conversations to explore how artificial intelligence recognizes emotions. Practice active listening and emotional interpretation while examining how technology “listens” and responds to human feelings.
📅 May 6, 2025 (Tue) 13:20-14:10
Globalization & Anti-Globalization / The Global Trade Time Travel Adventure
Experience the impact of globalization through interactive role-playing and decision-making exercises. Explore its advantages and challenges across different historical periods and into the future.
📅 May 27, 2025 (Tue) 13:20-14:10
Workplace Values & Generational Differences / Work Values Across Generations: Redubbing The Intern
Revoice selected scenes from the movie The Intern to highlight the differences between traditional and modern workplace values. Explore shifts in workplace culture, communication styles, and career expectations across generations.
Location: Social Sciences Building 307, Participant Limit: 15 (Meals provided)
主辦單位:台大政治系、台大雙語中心,相關洽詢:政治系張小姐 schang52@ntu.edu.tw
Organizers: NTU Department of Political Science and NTU Center for Bilingual Education
For inquiries: Ms. Chang, NTU Department of Political Science, schang52@ntu.edu.tw