【5月2日政治學系午餐演講系列暨Weatherhead Forum】Non-Governmental, Person-to-Person Modes of Cross-Strait Interaction, 1987-2012 (兩岸關係的非政府互動觀點)(場地異動)
【5月2日政治學系午餐演講系列暨Weatherhead Forum】兩岸關係的非政府互動觀點
■共同主辦單位:國立臺灣大學政治學系、國立臺灣大學社科院中國大陸研究中心、美國哥倫比亞大學魏德海東亞研究中心(Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University)
■講者:Professor Murray Rubinstein(Senior Research Scholar at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute)
■講題:Non-Governmental, Person-to-Person Modes of Cross-Strait Interaction, 1987-2012(兩岸關係的非政府互動觀點,1987─2012)
The Weatherhead Forum (Lecture Series) in Taipei
■ Sponsors: The Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University, USA
Center for China Studies, College of Social Science, National Taiwan University
Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University
■ Time:Noon till 2 PM, May 2, 2012
■ Venue: The First Conference Room (change of venue),
1st Floor, Administration Building, College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, No. 21, Hsu-chow Road, Chung-Cheng District, Taipei, Taiwan
■ Speaker:Professor Murray Rubinstein (Senior Research Scholar at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute)
■ Topic: Non-Governmental, Person-to-Person Modes of Cross-Strait Interaction, 1987-2012
■ Moderato: Professor Yun-han Chu (Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica, and Professor of Political Science, National Taiwan University)
★ The lecture and discussion will be conducted entirely in English.
★ Participation in the lecture requires online registration. Please complete the registration by clicking the following website: Registration, before May 1.
★ Chinese lunch boxes will be provided during noon to 12:30 PM
★ Please download and read a paper provided by the speaker before the lecture. Download the paper。
★ For further information, please contact:
Ms. Wan-Ting Lin, Phone: +886-2-2351-9641 ext. 143, or
Ms. Yu-Ling Chen, Phone: +886-2-2351-9641 ext. 271