
【11月22日政治學系午餐演講系列】Differentiation and integration: some thoughts on HK-China relationship through identity politics and the debate on national education(本演講以中文進行)

【11月22日政治學系午餐演講系列】Differentiation and integration: some thoughts on HK-China relationship through identity politics and the debate on national education(本演講以中文進行)
■講者:Dr. Chan Yuk Wah (Assistant Professor, Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong)
■講題:Differentiation and integration: some thoughts on HK-China relationship through identity politics and the debate on national education
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★ 聯絡人:陳聿伶,電話:2351-9641轉271。
 更新時間: 2012-11-18 10:10:16